Beyond Butlers: 7 Specialised Household Staff for Exclusive Services


The grind is hard – starting your first company, growing the business, making the right investments and choices every step of the way – but the fruits can be delightful, once you have succeeded and can relax into comfort and a high-income lifestyle. But adapting to the luxurious life can be eye-opening: while a butler's role is pretty well known, knowing to hire a housekeeper to manage the cleaning staff is unintuitive unless you have grown up with that lifestyle. Here are some specialist household staff positions that you might not have thought about before you get in touch with Cora Partners private household recruitment services.

Driver/ Chauffeur

You may be surprised to learn that there is a distinction between these two job titles, even though both of them refer to a person employed to do the driving for high-net individuals and their families. A driver tends to be a more impersonal hire; whose main focus is on their vehicle and getting their charges from A to B with minimum fuss and maximum comfort. Drivers can be agency workers, with the best available employee sent to the job in hand. Chauffeurs are more personal, often employed by one family or household and charged with driving the family to their appointments and meetings. Chauffeurs will often do more than the driving, frequently servicing and maintaining the family's fleet of cars, ensuring the legalities are taken care of, and occasionally being involved with other tasks not necessarily to do with driving.

 Personal Trainer

Keeping fit and healthy is not easy – but having a personal trainer pop in every day to lead you through a targeted workout designed to exercise the whole body in a safe and yet challenging manner can really help! The beauty of having a trainer on retainer is that you can work with them to exercise your body in ways that you enjoy, rather than being forced into running when you loathed cross-country at school, for example, or going for walks when you'd rather be swimming. Your trainer will also be able to come up with similarly suitable programs for the whole family, so you all stay fit and healthy.


Cooking every day can be relaxing for some, but it is also wonderful to be catered for on occasion. With a personal chef preparing all your meals, you can put all your time and energy into running your business, spending precious downtime with your family, or even enjoying recreational activities. Chefs can perform duties ranging from cooking full, multi-course meals to simply prepping ingredients ready to use – it all depends on how you feel each day.


Having your very own wine advisor might seem like a step too far, but knowing and understanding about wine can be tricky, unless you have a flawless palette, excellent sense of smell and can spare about a year learning all the ins and outs of good wine – why not hire someone (usually a freelancer, as needed) to guide you in your wine investments (both to keep for their financial value and cases to drink) so you always have a superlative cellar on hand when necessary?


One of the wonderful things about having a good income is that you can often spare time to lavish on your children. However, this is not always the case, and a tired and stressed parent whose mind is on other things does not go well with children who are equally cranky and wanting to express their own needs. A nanny can step into the breach, ensuring the children's physical needs are met while you and your spouse can finish off your to-do lists in peace. In this way, when you do spend time with your child, it is always quality time, with everyone at their best.


Likewise, having a tutor to oversee your children's education gives you the best of both worlds: a fully qualified teacher who knows how to make learning fun, and all the benefits of homeschooling with a tailored education and endless scope for daytrips and excursions to back up the lessons is an excellent way to ensure your children are highly educated in a safe learning environment.


Like a butler, a housekeeper is a high-status position in the service industry. Housekeepers will get their hands dirty if they need to, but their main task is to ensure the smooth running of the household, managing other service employees, arranging cover when necessary, and performing tasks like taking deliveries, sorting the mail and so on. In a perfectly run household, the residents speak only to the housekeeper who then quietly makes sure that everything is done as required.

It may sound truly indulgent to employ a group of people to cater to your wellbeing – but you are providing employment for others while making the best decisions for your family and household. And that's just common sense.