Driverless Car Accidents: What You Need to Know


Driverless cars are not yet ready for release, and the main reason is the potential for accidents. The technology for driverless vehicles is still new, so there is still a lot to be figured out. Even if a vehicle is able to drive on its own, like the Tesla, it's still recommended someone be in the driver's seat and in control of the vehicle. When an accident with one of these vehicles happens, whether the victim is someone in the driverless car or someone in another vehicle, knowing what to do next is important. 

What to Do After the Accident

Someone who is injured in an accident that involves a driverless vehicle will want to take the same steps they would in any other accident. If the person suffers severe or life-threatening injuries, they will need to be taken to the hospital for emergency care. Otherwise, they can take the following steps immediately following the accident. 

  • Stay at Scene. It is important for the person to stay at the scene until an officer arrives. An officer will talk to everyone involved in the accident and look at the scene to get a good idea of what happened. They can then create a report that may be helpful when requesting compensation for the accident. 
  • Take Photos. If possible, it's a good idea to take photos of the accident scene, the vehicles involved, any injuries, and anything else in the immediate area. These photos can be used as evidence if the case needs to go to court. 
  • Write Down What Happened. It's easy to forget details or remember things incorrectly. People do this all of the time. If possible, write down what happened to cause the accident as soon as possible. This should be saved in multiple locations so the victim can provide it to their lawyer. 
  • Get Medical Help. Even if the injuries sustained appear minor, it's a good idea to have a medical exam as soon as possible. The doctor will check to make sure there are no hidden injuries and provide the victim with information on how to recover from any injuries. 
  • Contact a Lawyer. Cases involving driverless vehicles do not have a lot of case history to rely on, since there aren't many driverless vehicles on the road. For this reason, it's a good idea to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible. The lawyer can provide valuable legal insight and advice for handling the case. 

Determining Liability

The main concern with driverless vehicles is determining liability. In a standard car accident, one of the drivers will be at fault. If there isn't a driver, who is liable for the accident? It could be the person who was supposed to be in control of the vehicle, the manufacturer due to a defect that caused the vehicle to act incorrectly and cause the accident, or someone else.

In most cases, human error is the leading cause of driverless car accidents. A lawyer can help their client prove liability, which is necessary before requesting compensation for any injuries sustained in the accident. 

If you've been in an accident with a driverless vehicle, talk to a lawyer today. Because there are so few of these cases right now, it's more difficult to prove fault and collect a settlement. A lawyer, however, can help you determine liability and negotiate a higher settlement that will cover all accident-related expenses.