Embracing Luxury With a Tesla EV


A large component of the luxury lifestyle is related to your vehicle of choice. Owning a luxury car can be a symbol of status and elegance. In 2023, combustion-engine vehicles are continuing to make way for electric vehicles. That means that the future of luxury driving lies in the hands of companies like Tesla.

When you own a Tesla, specifically a Model X or Model S, your vehicle immediately stands out from the rest on the road. The Model S and X average between $90,000 and $110,000, so the purchase price alone communicates a level of luxury. Additionally, these vehicles are ideal for short-range travel within urban or suburban locations.

Simply owning a Tesla is enough to enjoy the luxury vehicle experience. However, there is more that you can do to embrace a higher lifestyle when owning this type of car.

Invest in Paint Protection

Luxury vehicles are just as much about aesthetics as they are about function. If the car is not pleasing to look at, then it can hardly be considered a symbol of status. One way to preserve the look of your Model S or X is to invest in Tesla ceramic coating. This process forms a molecular bond between the coating and the exterior paint of the vehicle, acting as a piece of armor that preserves the condition of the aesthetics. Plus, it adds some gorgeous shine to the color. The effect of this is a brighter vehicle that will maintain its luxury look for a longer period with protection from the elements and the wear and tear of driving.

Utilizing The Computer System

Tesla has goals of creating fully self-driving vehicles for consumers. To this end, the company has developed insanely advanced computer systems within its vehicle models. Did you know that Teslas contain two AI-level operating systems for extra safety? The result is a comprehensive computer system in each vehicle that fully embraces luxury driving. High-resolution touch displays, HD audio, Bluetooth and wifi connectivity, and cameras are all connected to these powerful processors to enhance the driving experience, making it a luxury activity rather than simply of means of getting from point A to point B. This computer system is incredibly versatile and beneficial, making it a key aspect of the elegance of the Tesla Model S and Model X.

Wireless Charging Stations

Ever since the first wireless charging station opened in Philadelphia for luxury real estate residents, the market has begun to grow. Currently, the market for wireless EV charging stations is estimated at around $15 million, but it is projected to reach $377 million within the next 5-10 years. That is a tremendous amount of growth. Wireless electric car charging stations are popping up around the country, and using them could be that extra touch of luxury that you are craving when using your Tesla. Depending on where you live, you may have to work a little hard to find them, but the benefits are well worth the research.

Self-Driving Capabilities

Full self-driving systems from Tesla are still years away. There are six levels (levels 0-5) of self-driving capabilities as defined by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Currently, there are very few vehicles allowed on roads that have reached level three. Tesla models are level-two systems that have many self-driving features but still require a human hand to be involved. Nonetheless, these features are a truly luxurious benefit for drivers. Adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, and even vehicle summoning are features that some Tesla models include, especially if you are willing to pay extra.

Is a Tesla Worth Owning Outside of Luxury Features?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. Though you may be interested in the Model S or Model X because of its higher price and luxury status, there are still plenty of practical reasons to own a car from this brand.

First, electric vehicles are cheaper to own once you have covered the initial cost than comparable gas vehicles. The cost per mile is much lower since you are relying on electrical charges rather than gallons of gas. Maintenance tends to be cheaper since there are fewer moving parts in an EV engine.

Second, the infrastructure needed to support widespread EV use is growing. Though charging stations are common in cities, they are currently lacking in many areas of the country, but this is changing quickly. Heavy investment is yielding a surge in the growth of EV infrastructure, so buying a Tesla now will let you take advantage of this trend.

Third, your personal environmental impact is reduced with any of the four Tesla models. Though the production process is imperfect and can still be harmful to the environment, your personal vehicle’s emissions will decrease significantly with an EV.

At the end of the day, all Tesla models are worthwhile investments. However, if you are interested in the luxury vehicle experience, then you can focus on the Model S and Model X along with the ideas listed above to embrace a higher level of driving experience.