How to Find Luxury Custom Home Builders In Perth, Western Australia


Perth is the fourth most populous city in Western Australia with over 2.3 million people in the Greater Perth area. It is classified as one of the best cities to live in globally. With different styles of architecture, homeowners are spoilt for choice as to the type of house to buy. However, some of these homes can be too generic for some people which is why there is a rise in the demand for custom homes.

Custom homes are houses that are designed and built to suit individual tastes and preferences. However, these homes must be designed and built within the ambit of the residential design codes and other laws that govern construction in the city.

You cannot just up and design a home and commence building; you must get approval and meet other statutory obligations before you start out. You can visit this site:  for more information.

While it is exciting to own your dream home, the process of making the dream a reality can be a nightmare if care is not taken. That is why it is important to choose the best custom home builder to bring your dreams to life. Due to the high demand for custom homes in Perth, there is also a proliferation of builders. This therefore leads to difficulty in making the right choice.

In this article, we will share important tips that will help you make the right choice of a custom home builder so stay with us.

Tips for Choosing the Best Custom Home Builder

Everyone that has the skill and some level of knowledge can build a house but that is not what custom homes are all about. These types of residences are known for specificity and bespoke designs and constructions. You cannot fully achieve the features of a custom home with just any builder. That is why you need to pay careful attention to the tips and factors to consider as shared below: -

Industry Experience and Track Record

When searching for a company to carry out the design and construction of your dream home, you need to look at their experience in this area. Find out the type of homes they are noted for building. Additionally, look out for the years of experience that they have under their belt.

You cannot downplay the importance of years of experience because a company that has been in business for long would have learnt a lot of practical lessons. Through the years, they have forged relationships and networks in the industry that will come in handy for your project.

Also, look out for their track record in the construction industry as a whole and in the custom home building niche. It is in your best interest to only work with reputable companies. You can visit NovusHomes for an example of what to expect from reputable builders in Perth. Companies with proven track records and integrity always seek to maintain it which works in the favour of their clients.

Certifications and Licenses

Find out the qualifications of their staff and the skill levels of the people that will be working in your home. Also, make sure that your prospective hire is licensed to practise in Perth. Remember we said there are regulations that govern building custom homes and construction in general. These regulations include licensing for building contractors. So be sure to confirm that the firm you want to hire is duly licensed and has the right qualifications and skills for the job.

Pricing and Quality

As we mentioned at the beginning, custom homes are residential houses that are built to the taste and preferences of the homeowner. This therefore means that the quality and cost will vary from one builder to the other. The onus therefore is on you to ensure that you look at the quality of the materials that will be used and overall service in relation to the price.

Be wary of companies that offer prices that are too good to be true because that will be the case. Also, beware of inflated prices; this therefore means that you have to do your due diligence with comparison shopping. Check out as many options as possible and compare their offerings. This will help you make the right/best choice for you.

Click here for tips on how to select the best design for your custom home. 


In choosing the company that will bring your dream home to life, you need to consider one that will communicate clearly and simply with you. They must be ever ready and willing to answer your questions no matter how ‘dumb’ they may be. Do not ever work with a builder that disregards your opinions; remember, it is a ‘custom home.’ The builder must listen to you and offer professional advice that will crystalize your ideas and vision for your home.


In this article, we have shared important tips that will help you make informed decisions. Do not take these tips lightly, rather engage them to help you get the desired outcome for your home.