Prevost Celebrates 100 Years

01/20/2024 by

For Prevost2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the company's founding and the first wooden-body coach created by Eugène Prévost. From its beginning until now, innovation has been a driving force behind Prevost's success.

"Eugène established a culture of continuous improvement, pride in craftsmanship and an unequivocal focus on quality, performance and safety," said Prevost President François Tremblay. "The tenets he set down in 1924 are the ones we continue to follow in the 21st century."

The Early Days

Eugène was an intrepid entrepreneur in Sainte-Claire, Quebec, who specialized in making church pews and school furniture. At age 21 in the midst of a global downturn, he developed a system of hydraulic turbines and batteries to generate his own electricity to keep his business running. While his company benefited from electricity, Eugène also made sure his small village progressed. Five years before electricity was officially scheduled to arrive in his hamlet, he worked with Sainte-Claire leaders to deliver power to 23 homes.

Eugène's entrée into motorized vehicles took advantage of his carpentry skills. He received a commission to build a wooden coach body to mount on an REO truck chassis. That first order led to many others. The company grew and in 1937 Prevost built a bus manufacturing facility in Sainte-Claire. Ever the innovator, Eugène introduced the first all-metal body over an all-metal skeleton eight years later. In 1957, industrialist Paul Normand acquired the company and led it through a decade of new product introductions and significant growth. Flash forward a century and the rest is history.

Prevost Today and Tomorrow

Prevost continues to follow Eugène's tradition of breaking new ground. Thanks to advanced engineering, Prevost has created best-in-class vehicles and is the unequaled leader in the seated coach and entertainer markets.

Last year, Prevost unveiled its next-generation H3-45 that delivers improved fuel efficiency, an enhanced driver experience and ultimate comfort for passengers. Since its debut, the H3-45 has quickly become a favorite of customers and drivers.

For Prevost, the future is electrification and beyond. The company's research and development teams plan to introduce a new, 100% electric coach with a range of 400 km by 2026. In addition, Prevost, which is part of the Volvo Group, aims to be climate neutral by 2040.

"We have aggressive decarbonization goals and are working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in our entire manufacturing process, as well as in our end products," said Tremblay.

100th Anniversary Activities

Throughout 2024, Prevost is planning a series of special events to celebrate its 100 years.

One of the most exciting elements is the recreation of Prevost's 1924 wooden coach. Three generations of Eugène's family – children, grandchildren, grand in-laws and great grandchildren – dedicated thousands of hours to research, model, build and outfit the replica.

The family located a period REO chassis in Tampa Bay, Florida, and brought it back to Sainte-Claire. From there, painstaking care was taken to craft a historically accurate coach – the oak wheels were handmade, window, door and step mechanisms were agonized over, the wooden interior was hand varnished and bench cushions were hand sewn.

Last but not least a name was chosen. In honor of Eugène's wife who supported him in all his endeavors – even going so far as to sew vehicle cushions – the 1924 coach was christened "Clarisse." From January to May, Clarisse will travel to seven Prevost Service Centers in the United States and Canada.

The 100th anniversary will culminate in September with two weeks of celebrations. For its luxury motorcoach owners, Prevost is hosting a seven-day homecoming rally in Quebec City. Following that, the activities shift to Sainte-Claire where Prevost's manufacturing facility is located. The company's employees and their families, customers and suppliers will enjoy an extravaganza that includes factory tours, an appearance by Clarisse plus food and entertainment.

"For Prevost, 2024 will go down in history but, more significantly, it's a launching point as we continue our quest to deliver the ultimate experience for the next 100 years," said Tremblay.

For more information on Prevost's proud past and exciting future, visit