
57 Results for merilee kern

Royal Blues Hotel an Elegant Oceanside Enclave

in Vacation / Travel

Royal Blues Hotel an Elegant Oceanside Enclave

"Enclave" is a most appropriate descriptor for this elegant property. It’s a work of art unto itself that’s tucked away on a prime piece of oceanfront real estate smack dab in the heart of Deerfield Beach.

Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa a Splendid Respite

in Bath, Body, & Health

Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa a Splendid Respite

The Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa, through its central location, fine views, comfortable accommodations and committed staff, provides a quality respite where tourists can aptly relax, unwind, and enjoy quintessential oceanside ambiance.

Via Veneto Santa Monica Dishing Star-Caliber Italian Cuisine

in Cuisine

Via Veneto Santa Monica Dishing Star-Caliber Italian Cuisine

When you are in the Los Angeles area and have a yearning for exceptionally high quality Italian fare—and can appreciate a moody, candlelight-laden atmosphere exuding a chic rustic elegance—proceed directly to Via Veneto.

7 Gotta Get Summer Gadgets

in Bath, Body, & Health

7 Gotta Get Summer Gadgets

Here are a few relating to lawn care, skincare, entertainment and edibles that I’ve found to be particularly pleasing.

The Ambrose Hotel Santa Monica Mastering Boutique Hospitality

in Adventures

The Ambrose Hotel Santa Monica Mastering Boutique Hospitality

If you are considering a sojourn to the Santa Monica area, be it for business or pleasure, The Ambrose Hotel is contemporary, Zen-like lodging rife with creature comforts that will allow you to make the most of your visit.

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

in Entertainment

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

Perky new lifestyle television program dedicated to “keeping viewers informed on ‘what’s brewin'’ in news, social media and pop culture”

7 Summer Saviors

in Electronics

7 Summer Saviors

Items that'll ease and appease in the summer months ahead

I.D. Theft Protection Perfection with ‘Pagalli’ Fine Leather Wallets

in Electronics

I.D. Theft Protection Perfection with ‘Pagalli’ Fine Leather Wallets

Wallets can help you avoid a slight identity breach at best and complete financial devastation at worst.

13 Fantastic Father’s Day Gifts

in Electronics

13 Fantastic Father’s Day Gifts

Fab Father's Day Finds

Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Risk Averse

in Finance

Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Risk Averse

As with other investing strategies, it seems this authority website approach may very well be perfect for those who seek the benefits of increasing their asset base and net worth while allowing a third party field expert manage the daily functions.