
68 Results for merilee kern

Father’s Day Gifts That’ll Undoubtedly Impress

in Electronics

Father’s Day Gifts That’ll Undoubtedly Impress

Genius gear gift ideas for home mixologists, kitchen commandos, entertaining aficionados, style savants, gadget geeks and those dads who just need a solid night’s sleep

Insights from ‘The Prince of Luxury’ Noel Shu

in Finance

Insights from ‘The Prince of Luxury’ Noel Shu

Enlightening Q&A with millennial mastermind Noel Shu through which he offers insider perspectives and lifestyle advice of note for those who like to roll like royalty (or want to look like they do)

Maverick Mattress Biz Wakes Up Tired Industry

in Bath, Body, & Health

Maverick Mattress Biz Wakes Up Tired Industry

This innovative, entrepreneur-driven company has realized the American dream through a mindful mattress brand that’s elevating archaic industry standards. Nolah is making strides in its effort to resolve antiquated mattress retailing with consumer-op

16 Tech-Driven Wellness Innovations

in Gifts / Misc

16 Tech-Driven Wellness Innovations

Here are a few representative, technologically-advanced solutions helping folks achieve the great benefits in the health and wellness realm

Leveraging UV Light for a Healthier & Odor-Free Home

in Electronics

Leveraging UV Light for a Healthier & Odor-Free Home

The healthcare and food manufacturing industries have been using UV germicidal energy to sanitize hospital rooms and medical equipment since the early 1900’s. So, why not leverage this powerful technology at home to keep you and your family safe?

Surf, Sky & Spirit at Tower23 Hotel San Diego

in Entertainment

Surf, Sky & Spirit at Tower23 Hotel San Diego

There's no shortage of things to do or see in San Diego and, when accommodations are in order, TOWER23 is a cool haven of haute hospitality—one that’s perfectly suited for any ocean-oriented traveler.

Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa a Splendid Respite

in Bath, Body, & Health

Fort Lauderdale Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa a Splendid Respite

The Marriott Pompano Beach Resort & Spa, through its central location, fine views, comfortable accommodations and committed staff, provides a quality respite where tourists can aptly relax, unwind, and enjoy quintessential oceanside ambiance.

7 Gotta Get Summer Gadgets

in Bath, Body, & Health

7 Gotta Get Summer Gadgets

Here are a few relating to lawn care, skincare, entertainment and edibles that I’ve found to be particularly pleasing.

Problem Solving Stuff for Summer

in Sports / Golf

Problem Solving Stuff for Summer

The marketplace is teeming with items like these designed to solve problems and resolve common annoyances.

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

in Entertainment

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

Perky new lifestyle television program dedicated to “keeping viewers informed on ‘what’s brewin'’ in news, social media and pop culture”