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60 Results for merilee kern
in Cigars / Spirits
The Empower Cosmopolitan Martini beverage launches to wet the whistle of spirits-savvy women
in Electronics
Here are a few diverse gift ideas that, given easy online purchasing, can still swing the time crunch for the impending exchange
in Cuisine
While delicious on its own, the Brazilian cheese roll can be enjoyed with different recipe options like their unique spin on French Toast (recipe included)
in Bath, Body, & Health
Holiday gift picks across a multitude of categories that can all be purchased lickety-split with a few keystrokes
Authentic taste from Brazil’s heartland in the comfort and convenience of your own abode
in Event Planning
As a bride or groom-to-be, you’ll have a lot on your plate with the wedding planning, so why not let MyRegistry take a load off for you?
in Home Decor
How one direct-to-consumer bedding brand is effectively distinguishing itself from the pack
If you have a penchant for picking winning numbers and money-driven gameplay, check out for yourself what LottoGopher has to offer
Great ways to outfit--and protect--your new iPhone X
The Luxe List's Hot Holiday Gift Picks for 2017