
92 Results for merilee kern

Problem Solving Stuff for Summer

in Sports / Golf

Problem Solving Stuff for Summer

The marketplace is teeming with items like these designed to solve problems and resolve common annoyances.

FINIS ‘Duo’ Underwater MP3 Player Lets You Swim with Swagger

in Electronics

FINIS ‘Duo’ Underwater MP3 Player Lets You Swim with Swagger

FINIS, Inc.'s Duo underwater MP3 player is ushering in a new era of aquatic tech that will entertain, motivate and otherwise benefit swimmers and enthusiasts of all types.

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

in Entertainment

Entertainment On-The-Go: National ‘Coffee With America’ Show Embodies New Era of Interactive TV

Perky new lifestyle television program dedicated to “keeping viewers informed on ‘what’s brewin'’ in news, social media and pop culture”

Summer Health & Beauty Boosters

in Bath, Body, & Health

Summer Health & Beauty Boosters

Wellness boosters to elevate your summer season

7 Summer Saviors

in Electronics

7 Summer Saviors

Items that'll ease and appease in the summer months ahead

I.D. Theft Protection Perfection with ‘Pagalli’ Fine Leather Wallets

in Electronics

I.D. Theft Protection Perfection with ‘Pagalli’ Fine Leather Wallets

Wallets can help you avoid a slight identity breach at best and complete financial devastation at worst.

13 Fantastic Father’s Day Gifts

in Electronics

13 Fantastic Father’s Day Gifts

Fab Father's Day Finds

Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Risk Averse

in Finance

Entrepreneurship Strategies for the Risk Averse

As with other investing strategies, it seems this authority website approach may very well be perfect for those who seek the benefits of increasing their asset base and net worth while allowing a third party field expert manage the daily functions.

Hotel Domestique: Homespun Hospitality for Active Travelers

in Vacation / Travel

Hotel Domestique: Homespun Hospitality for Active Travelers

If you have a relaxing getaway in your sights, definitely consider Hotel Domestique where you can surround yourself with outstanding scenery and niceties both indoors and out, stellar foodstuffs and customer service that’s second to none.

Savvy Shoppers Put It on Plastiq

in Services

Savvy Shoppers Put It on Plastiq

The next time you make a luxury purchase such as a car, boat, artwork or even a charity donation, put it on Plastiq and reap the exact same rewards of a traditional credit card purchase.