
137 Results in category Pets

Give Your Large Breed Pooch The Perfect Gift - An Orthopedic Dog Bed

in Pets

Give Your Large Breed Pooch The Perfect Gift - An Orthopedic Dog Bed

Everyone knows how important mattresses are for your comfort, your sleep, and your overall health.

Cunard Sponsors 2017 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

in Pets

Cunard Sponsors 2017 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Cunard today announced its sponsorship of the 2017 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, taking place in New York City February 11-14, 2017. This is the first year Cunard will be part of the show and they will be the only travel company represented at

New Smart Sidewalk Dog Houses - Dog Parker to Releases New Model

in Pets

New Smart Sidewalk Dog Houses - Dog Parker to Releases New Model

New smart sidewalk dog houses promise to deliver safety, security, and comfort to New York City dogs and their owners.

Cunard's Iconic Queen Mary 2 Makes Boston Debut After Extensive Remastering

in Pets

Cunard's Iconic Queen Mary 2 Makes Boston Debut After Extensive Remastering

Queen Mary 2 gave a royal welcome to Boston's top Instagram dogs, Nacho (@NachoDogg) and Bear (@KnoxandBear), who enjoyed the new kennels on the Remastered ship at Boston's Black Falcon Cruse Terminal.

TurfMutt Urges Everyone to "Paw it Forward" by Giving a Dog a Forever Home

in Pets

TurfMutt Urges Everyone to "Paw it Forward" by Giving a Dog a Forever Home

In honor of National Dog Day today, Lucky the TurfMutt wants to remind everyone about the importance of rescuing and adopting homeless animals. Lucky, a rescue dog himself, is now 'pawing it forward' by being the spokesdog for ...

Prep Your Pooches! Strike a Paws! America's Top Dog Model ® Announces a "Casting Call" for 2016

in Pets

Prep Your Pooches! Strike a Paws! America's Top Dog Model ® Announces a "Casting Call" for 2016

The canine-savvy creators of the nation's favorite, 12th annual dog-modeling calendar are seeking to "Meet the Paw-litician," the socially conscious theme of the 2016 America's Top Dog Model ® Contest.

Coeur d’Alene Pet Resort Participates in Upcoming Valley Fest with Pets up for Adoption

in Philanthropy

Coeur d’Alene Pet Resort Participates in Upcoming Valley Fest with Pets up for Adoption

Having just celebrated their fourth year as a business, Paradise Pet Resort in Spokane Valley and its sister location, Coeur d’Alene Pet Resort are proud to also be celebrating their fourth year at Valley Fest.