
143 Results in category Services

Savvy Shoppers Put It on Plastiq

in Services

Savvy Shoppers Put It on Plastiq

The next time you make a luxury purchase such as a car, boat, artwork or even a charity donation, put it on Plastiq and reap the exact same rewards of a traditional credit card purchase.

Millionaire Matchmaker Sets Up Local Pages in US, UK, Canada, Australia, and More

in Services

Millionaire Matchmaker Sets Up Local Pages in US, UK, Canada, Australia, and More

Millionaire Matchmaker is set up for millionaire singles, VIP singles, and attractive singles.

Cobbler Concierge Launches Nationwide E-Commerce Platform Offering Luxury Shoe Repair Service

in Services

Cobbler Concierge Launches Nationwide E-Commerce Platform Offering Luxury Shoe Repair Service

Today marks the debut of Cobbler Concierge, a premiere destination for luxury shoe and handbag repair providing clients with an online booking platform that delivers quality service straight to their door.